After the last instalment, where we mainly discussed the humanistic aspects of content writing, it is time that we go a bit technical. First thing first, let’s assume that we know what is content writing and also how it is written. Also lets assume that you know about keywords, keywords density and similar things.

The first point is a good content in present scenario isn’t a content full of keywords. In fact it is a bad content if it is full of keywords. Keywords are passé, please don’t forget that. Forget whatever your search engine optimization team leader once taught you about content writing. The last approach was that make sure Google is noticing the content. Now Google is saying, make sure that others (human readers) are liking your content, sharing it, referring to it. A content with no solid matter and only keywords is a futile effort to catch the attention of Google.
So, we are clear about that fact that we are not to write keyword dense articles like we were habituated of writing. But yes we can mention once or twice if the need be. In fact we should use once or twice so Google knows where to categories it. DON’T OVERDO IT, that’s the point in short.
Secondly, get your write ups social. Get as many Facebooks likes, G+ +1s, or tweeter shares as you can. It tells Google that people are actually liking your writings and Google, with all its good intention, is trying to serve people what they like to read. Most important among those sites is obviously Google+. You can guess the reason, can’t you? What to call it? Ummm let’s call it socialization of write ups. Get your Google authorship working if you can. It is a great way to catch attention of greater reading circle as well as a good Google ranking.
“Be pithy, deliver the need” is the third point coming to my mind. I would certainly not like to read a garrulous write up of a few pages to find out few short points. Nobody does actually. Google is not smart enough and moreover as it is relying more and more on human liking, it would not rate you high enough if you talk for nothing.
Finally, please forget the old article directory stuffing idea for once and all. Google isn’t thinking much of those sites or submissions anymore. It is better to get a link from, say Mashable, than to get 20 links from, say Write few, write well, get them published in good places. That is as simple as that.
It is difficult to teach writing really. I mentioned few points which can help you to improve as a content writer but like I said in my previous article, if you are not meant for this job, please don’t enter this job just because you speak English well enough. That being the statutory warning, we wish you all the best in your career as a content writer and if you think you can meet our expectations, don’t forget to drop your CV in this direction.