
Web Portal Development

We have designed about 200+ web portals for SMBs and large corporations, and have perfected successful delivery of portals to our clients. We are counted first among the top web development companies in India.

Every business needs a strong web presence to stand out among their own kind. It doesn’t matter whether you are just starting off or are already tucked in, a well-directed user interaction helps in adding considerable value to your business. Here’s when web portals come in handy.

IT Chimes can help you design the best of user-friendly portals or modify/expand your already existing one. We have experienced web portal developers who can help you create the web portals you always imagined for your company’s website. We provide you with all kinds of web portal development services such as price comparison portals, public web portals, auction web portals, community web portals, and other web portals of any kind. Our well-trained web portal developers can use their deep insights in creating apt yet, beautifully designed web portals which will help in improving the User Interaction (UI) and User Experience (UX) of your company’s website, resulting in visible value addition to the business. Our company is based in India and we have successfully designed and delivered more than 200 web portals till date, and have received acclamation from our clients. We have the necessary experience, acumen, and creativity required in the web portal development to design web portals tailored to suit your business’ needs.

How We Deliver the Best

When you work with IT Chimes, you are working with the best and most experienced web portal developers around. From the planning phase right down to execution we follow a transparent and procedural operations process where you receive real time updates regarding the status of the project.

Our dynamic team comprises of all necessary skillset and experience to provide you the best Portal experience possible. The web portals we create can provide your customers with an engaging and dynamic user experience, enhancing the value of your brand and the reputation of your business.

Other Web Portal Development We Offer


Custom Web Portal Development

IT Chimes is proud of its ingenuity in Custom Website portals development and improving conversion rates. We possess SOA support, well designed alluring interface and rich customized API’s.


Enterprise Web Portal Development

A well designed community web portal can garner in an increased traffic. Community portal helps the members to communicate and share data in an effective manner and at the same time educates the public more about the community itself.


Community Web Portal Development

A Community Portal aims to garner quality traffic for your website. Community portal helps members to communicate and share informative data in a flexible manner while adhering to community guidelines and conditions.


Social Network Portal Development

We create UX friendly social portals, where people can engage and share their personal experiences and ideas with like minded people. Our solutions are characterized by their service oriented design, interactive user interface, open APIs and handle Web 2.0 content in an easy-to-use fashion.


Job portal — Interns Portal Development

If your business involves Staffing and Internship Providing services, we recomend opting for a streamlined Jop or Internship Portal, that is smooth and responsive for handling a large number of talent and client database. It is guaranteed to make your job more easier and scalable.


Travel Portal Development

Travel portal development has become a buzzword for the Travel industry leaders. Our Dynamic travel portal includes many nifty features such as price, packages, destination and vacation planners amongst many others.


Price Comparison Portal Development

Why visit over a dozen retailers when you can get the best price from one website? Price comparison portals help users find the best deals as per their requirements. We design comparison web portals which are sleek and streamlined for best user experience.


News Portal Development

News portals are online platforms that helps share news articles across the world wide web and reach your consumers. It contains press releases, news blogs, publications and other news related content. We create customizable news portals which are quick to load and easily navigable.


Client Portal Development

A client portal is by far the best way to encourage the transparent culture in an organization and build an amazing customer experience. It is a private online gateway where you can communicate and share your data with your customers.


E Learning Portal Development

IT Chimes possess exceptional developing team to make a perfect blend of business experience and e-learning domain to deliver the best e-learning portal to our clients. We offer our clients with complete e-learning portal which is tailored to all your requirements.


Auction Portals Development

IT Chimes is a professional auction portal development company based in India that offers outstanding services for bidding and online auction services. Our dedicated team creates broad range of auction portal development with unique and custom features.


Public Web Portal Development

IT Chimes is one of the leading company in Public web portal development. We help you in collaborating, connecting and share data with your clients in a better manner. The portals developed by us help our clients in meeting their objectives and improving the bottom line of the company.

Web Portal Development Life Cycle

Portal development life cycle is majorly divided into four stages.

  • Architecture
  • Development
  • Staging
  • Production

Stage 1: Architecture

Architecture stage includes designing the actual look and feel of web portal. Here all the responsibilities will be on the shoulders of our web designer and web developer.  

Here are certain elements that absolutely need to include while designing web portal:

  • Simple navigation to allow users search for their required information easily and navigate through portal with ease.
  • Information about the business ( “About us” section). A brief ‘About us’ page is a must to build trust among users in order to inform them about your business and its services.
  • Proper contact information page can help your customer contact you and get in touch whenever needed.
  • Attractive call to actions interest your reader and help you turn customers into leads.
  • Search tool to help reader directly search for what they are looking for.
  • Utilising the footer with availing the user with the information.
  • Image size should be appropriate and should not hamper the portal speed.
  • Similar web fonts throughout the entire portal.

The most important thing is to make a prototype before the actual site. This will help you recognize certain errors that could have escaped eye before going live.

Stage 2: Development

A web portal consists of multiple pages dedicated to different aspects of your business and the development stage is devoted to take care of that. In this stage the test data is utilised to design the navigation model of the portal and other important aspects such as page template, display template, and the content model.

Here the developer has to keep few things in mind:

  • Portal load time doesn’t exceed the average minimum time, which is 3 seconds
  • Navigation has to be easy
  • The web forms are working properly
  • User interface (UI & UX) has to be proper and according to user requirements. It is the on-page graphics of the website
  • Providing all the required information related to the search with catalogue, images and videos.

This stage ensures that the audience who visit the portal get the required information and convert into a lead. They know that customers are real busy and make sure things go swiftly for them.

Stage 3: Staging

Staging Part 1: Testing

In staging, a complete clone of a live environment is created to stress test your web portal. When your website is all set for the final deployment, test it’s functionality first and look for some final bugs. You should test your web portal  for:

  • complete functionality
  • compatibility issues with every platform including mobiles
  • Proper optimization to be viewed properly in each browser versions
  • Mobile responsibility
  • Proper working of the content management system (CMS )

The web portal must be tested by Integration testing, Stress testing, Scalability testing, load testing, resolution testing, cross-browser compatibility testing, user acceptance testing, and broader internal reviews.

Testing is done to ensure your web portal works properly before you launch it to your audience. Check if your website is according to current standards for website design and development.

Staging Part 2: Deploying the Portal

After successfully testing your portal from head to toe and fixing the found bugs, if any, it’s time for the final deployment.

Stage 4: Production

Production is the live environment of the web portal and now it is the responsibility of the administrator to manage the portal using weblogic portal administration console. In this stage the portal is live to audience and hence managed by the site administrator who performs tasks like making incremental updates to metadata, managing the content on the portal, and web assets using automated scripts.

Post portal development

After the portal is live to audience and it is working properly, it is further managed by the administrator who has to repeat the back and forth process of portal development cycle. You can make use of specific portal development tools to help manage WebLogic portal applications and resources

The two management tools that can be used are:

Library Administrator

Library administrator helps the admin manage following things:

  • Shells
  • Themes
  • Menus
  • Books
  • Pages
  • Layouts
  • Look & Feel
  • Portlets
  • Portlet Categories
  • Portlet Producers

Portal Administrator

Portal administrators helps assemble portals and entitle parts of the portal to end users and other administrators.

So, there you go! You can create a web portal for just about anything. You can get one made to help streamline your business processes or to show personalised content to your users or anything your heart desires. Just tell what you need to your developers and they will take care of the rest.

To know more about


Frequently Asked Questions

Web portal development companies in India offer a wide range of services, including:

  1. Custom Web Portal Development: Tailored solutions to meet specific business needs.
  2. E-commerce Portal Development: Building online stores and marketplaces.
  3. Enterprise Portal Development: Creating portals for large organizations to streamline internal processes.
  4. Community Portal Development: Developing portals for forums, social networks, and online communities.
  5. Content Management Systems (CMS): Implementation and customization of CMS for easier content handling.

B2B and B2C Portals: Development of portals for business-to-business and business-to-consumer interactions.

Choosing an Indian company for web portal development has several advantages:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Indian companies generally offer competitive pricing compared to Western countries, making it cost-effective.
  2. Skilled Workforce: India has a large pool of highly skilled and experienced IT professionals.
  3. Quality of Work: Many Indian companies have a track record of delivering high-quality solutions.
  4. Technical Expertise: Expertise in a wide range of technologies and frameworks.
  5. Communication: Many Indian developers and companies are proficient in English, facilitating smooth communication.
  6. Flexibility and Scalability: Ability to scale teams up or down based on project requirements.

Time Zone Advantage: Time zone differences can be leveraged for round-the-clock development cycles.

The cost of developing a web portal in India varies based on several factors such as the complexity of the project, the features required, the technology stack, and the company’s expertise. On average, a basic web portal might cost between $5,000 to $15,000, while more complex portals with advanced features can range from $20,000 to $50,000 or more. Custom enterprise solutions can exceed $100,000 depending on the requirements.

Commonly used technologies by web portal development companies in India include:

  1. Frontend Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, Vue.js
  2. Backend Technologies: PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, Ruby on Rails
  3. Content Management Systems: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla
  4. E-commerce Platforms: Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce
  5. Database Technologies: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle

Cloud Services: AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure

The development time for a web portal depends on the project’s scope and complexity. A basic portal might take 2 to 3 months to develop, while a more complex portal with advanced features and customizations could take 6 to 12 months or longer. The timeline includes requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment.

Yes, web portal development companies in India are well-equipped to provide custom solutions tailored to specific business needs. They can create bespoke portals from scratch, incorporating unique features and functionalities as per client requirements. Indian companies are known for their flexibility and ability to adapt to different project specifications and industry standards.