Tips For Blog Branding

Being in the industry of marketing, we all strive for blog branding. Infact, blogging and marketing are becoming customer driven greatly. Most of the websites or blogs do not consider the image according to the visual message the way they want to portray. But, in order to ensure that you get recognized in the market, it is important to consider the current requisites of the brand. You should invest time on reflecting over your brand. You must consider the impact it should create on visitor. Regardless of what your website or blog is about, you should know the components of website to be  focused on. Here are a few tips that can help you throughout your internet marketing journey:

1. Choose a Unique Name

The name of your brand should reflect the services offered by you. It sets an initial tone for the visitors. You must include search friendly terms which are easily accessible to Search Engines . You  can use your own name if you are a solopreneur. If it is a website, make sure that you choose a name which consists of attributes of your product and defines the brand.

2. A Relevant Tagline is a Plus Point

A tagline presents the crux of the whole blog. It is an insight of your persona and content. The tagline must depict relevant information regarding the work. It should focus on the suggestive keywords that your target audience is searching for.

3. Memorable Address for the Website

While you initially start a blog, using an address of WordPress or Blogger is preferable. However, using your personal URL will prove to be beneficial for you. Therefore, while choosing a significant name, you must try to get the correct URL as well. It is necessary to get your URL sometimes, wherein, you may use other names.

4. Select a Simplified Theme

A basic theme structures your blog’s presentation. The much simplified it is, the more visitor friendly it will become. The placement of columns is very crucial in a theme. If you want your blog to be unique, it is advisable to personalize its theme. You must invest time in changing all the prototype text.

5. Create Appealing Infographics

In order to distinguish your blog from others, you should create relevant and appealing infographics. You can modify the background, icon and other elements for your blog. Moreover, there are various design templates available online that are reasonable. They can be efficiently used fom make the blog attractive and presentable.

6. Rely on Search Friendly Keywords

Selection of keywords which are relevant to your blog is an essential step. Besides, being relevant, they should be Search Engine friendly. Keywords influence the title, content and categories of your blogs.

7. Innovative Content Engages the Readers

Content is the heart and soul of your blog. You must try to make it as personalised as possible. An informative content can really make a difference among the readers. You are likely to get several Social Media shares and drive traffic due to an innovative content. You simply need to add a few things in your content to make it reader-friendly: 

  • Tutorial
  • Videos
  • Industry related Interviews
  • Infographics

It is significant to consider these tips before you start blogging. Creating your brand through your blog is immensely important. You can engage your fans with the powerful content and further integrating it with your website’s branding. If you have any other query regarding blogging or related aspects, you can reach out to us anytime for our assistance.


Pushpendra ShuklaPushpendra is a highly innovative and passionate marketer working in the field of Digital Marketing for over 10 years now. He has been a witness to the evolution of SEO and Internet Marketing practices and has adapted his strengths to provide the best solutions to his clients.

He is highly detailed and result driven when it comes down to creating strategies for complex projects. His indepth understanding of Technical SEO gives him an upper hand while optimizing websites that help in achieving the desired results.

In his free time, Pushpendra likes to write about updates and techniques of SEO for readers looking to understand the world of SEO. He actively participates in discussions about current affairs in and around the world.