In today’s world, what makes one company stand out & taller than other companies? Hmmm answers can be many like good and timely services, efficient working of the team, changing the work strategies according to the current trends, regular follow ups with the clients, quick reply to client’s queries, proper understanding between the client and the project managers, etc . and the term which includes all these functions and take care of all these aspects can be defined as “Client Servicing”. The main aim of client servicing guy is to make sure if the client is happy with the services and if something is lacking, then make a quick action to rectify it. So one can say that in this profession one should have Hawk’s eye to sense the problem before it occurs. But easier said than done. I am not saying that someone can be perfect in client servicing, Perfection is not attainable but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.



The next question which comes into mind is then how to attain this excellence in client servicing. Well every service has some basic elements which should be present and client servicing is not an exception. But we are talking about in today’s scenario so let’s talk from today’s point of view.

Let’s take an example, You have  product development project from one client and you deliver it according to what he or she expected from you….. so can you say that you achieved excellence? Answer is ‘no’, you can say, you just did your job which was expected. Many companies are there nowadays to deliver the same but the excellence will be when you will differentiate yourself from others by blending in new ideas and surprising clients delightfully of course. Only this can differentiate a company from others and give the extra edge. So in client servicing too you should always come up with new ideas for your clients and fill them with enthusiasm by showcasing your services in a better way.

Another big factor in client servicing is maintaining warm relationships with your clients. All companies with client servicing focus on this but the successful ones are those who go beyond the formal talks and show their concern with the clients’ problems and try to provide them a solution and moral support, with this behavior clients look at you not as one business company but like a good friend & partner who is always there for them and one should maintain relationship with the client as a good friend and not only like guy from the business company.

Client servicing is mainly about having good communication with clients. Most of the cases where clients get upset is due to delay in response from the companies. It looks really annoying to them so there should always be a regular communication process with clients. Calling them and just asking them for quick second “Are you happy?” will make them understand that you really care about them.

Oh yes, I should also mention the bad times which can come for a client servicing guy. There can be the situation when you have to give some bad news to a client and you must be thinking “how will I tell this to client!!”. Well it happens with every client servicing guy and I was also not exception. But I figure out that the client knows that nobody is perfect but he surely expects from your honesty; that’s why it’s said that honesty is the best policy. Whenever it is some bad news to convey to client, it is always better to pick up a phone and call, you might have to face hard words but it would be better than just sending an email for that bad news. So always prefer to talk with the a client in this scenario and don’t go in front of him with the problem & blank mind. Talk with him with proper action plan to cope up with the problem and the assurance that problems will be fixed. It will always help. So in a worst case scenario my suggestion will be to “Pick up phone & Call the client”, and don’t send emails for bad news.

We all loved to have surprise cookies when we were small and now we are grownups and we still feel happy receiving surprise gifts on Christmas or Diwali. Clients are also human like us. So good on occasions just sending them a basket of cookies or Greeting & thanking notes will always do a lot of good to maintain stronger relationships with clients.

Well client servicing is a vast field which includes many aspects of human behavior and expectations so it is like an ocean where you discover new things and teaches you everyday … I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection because excellence I can reach for but perfection is God’s business.


Vibhu SatpaulVibhu Satpaul is co-founder Saffron Edge. He is a Digital Marketing and technology expert with penchant for sharing technology and marketing ideas and innovation. Vibhu has successfully created various progressive systems to streamline management and marketing results for clients worldwide.

A graduate in Information Systems and Softwares from LSE (London), his style of management involves providing innovative and transparent solutions to improve efficiency and value creation.

In his free time he likes to take to the court for tennis bouts and enjoys gaming. Vibhu also likes to write about Business and Marketing solutions, and has been featured in Social Media Today. You can connect with Vibhu on: LinkedIn