
At present, online stores are responsible for 80% of the sales, as per the reports published by Shopify in its State of the Commerce report. 

The figure in itself is sufficient to emphasize the importance of having an e-commerce website for your business. But it is not just about building an e-commerce website. You need a well-designed website that enhances the customer’s shopping journey and makes them want to visit again and again. 

Why do you need to draw your more attention towards an appealing and functional e-commerce web development and design ?


  • You can not deny the fact that first impression matters. How easy is the design on the eye can make all the difference? Your website should speak volumes about your brand service with the relevant content. The quality of website design will reflect on the quality of products and services; consumers can expect from your brand. 
  • If the visitors are having a tough time navigating through the page or need anybody’s assistance, then they won’t stay on your website for long. Lousy and challenging navigation will lead to you losing significant potential customers. 
  • Good user experience means better reviews. We all know the significance of word of mouth advertising. Your visitors or customers will spread the positive experience they have had shopping on your e-commerce site, and this will further expand your customer base. 
  • An outdated e-commerce website design will also have a negative impact on search engine optimization. Since it won’t meet the contemporary requirements, Google will push it further back in the search engine ranking page results. 
  • Apart from the global exposure that a website gives you, impeccably designed, well-written one also adds to the credibility, deeming your business reliable and worthy of shopping. This will further enhance customer loyalty, which we all are well-aware of is challenging to achieve and maintain in this aggressively competitive marketplace.  

But it is easier said than done. 

Strengthening customer loyalty is a challenge that requires diligence and consistent efforts. 

So what changes need to be done in your e-commerce website designing for improving customer loyalty?

We have got you covered!

  • eCommerce Web Design For The Smartphone Ecosystem

The consumers want to read and share information on the go, which means they are always looking for solutions to their queries on their mobile devices, be it smartphones, tablets. E-commerce business operators need to fulfill this growing demand for ease of accessibility, which means they will have to design and develop a mobile-friendly website with e- commerce web development. Developing a mobile responsive website is a cost-effective, responsive process with minimum maintenance demands. This will increase your visibility in the search engine. Also, responsive web design is a Google recommended configuration, so you can not afford to overlook it. A responsive website will give you the opportunity to reach a broader base of audience, enhancing your probability of sales and conversions. 

  • Make the UI Easy To Use

All a consumer wants is a website that is easy to navigate- one that enriches their shopping experience. Your e-commerce website should have a comfortable user interface that does not overwhelm the visitor to leave the page, thereby increasing your bounce rate. A UI should add value to the visitor’s shopping journey by identifying and resolving their pain points. Be done with the one size fits all approach and develop a strategy focusing on an individual persona.

  • Take It As Your Business Instagram Account

Design your e-commerce website like you would create your Instagram account. Yes, use good quality images and videos to promote your products and services. Images and videos are the first things on the ground of which your services are judged, and if that is overlooked, then you should not be surprised on the decreasing visitor’s list. 

  • Keep The Security Factors In Mind:

The Internet is a scary place, and there are cyber thieves on every nook and corner waiting to leverage from the opportunity from an unsecured website. Hacking and malware attacks have now become a regular thing. Unless they are sure of a safe payment gateway, no visitor will shop from the website. Ensure safe and secure navigation and payment methods to holster the trust factor.

  • Convenient Shipping Methods Are A Must

How many times has it been your customer has abandoned their cart? Many a time, the reason behind this is your complicated shipping policies or lack of available options. Keep your shipping policies as simple as possible and makes sure to provide shoppers with multiple shipping and payment options for their ease. There are reasons e-commerce magnates like Shopify, volusion are favorite of masses because they ease the shopping process by providing a plethora of options like EMI system, Netbanking, and advanced shipping methods. 

  • Create Room For Users To Review Products

Your e-commerce website should provide customers with a platform where they can share their experience of the products and services they have bought from your website. Reviews, feedback, testimonials help add credibility to the brand’s name. Create a dedicated space for your users to share their reviews, which can help other buyers to make a well-informed decision. Don’t shy away from negative feedback. They not only help you develop better strategies to improve your services further but also add to the legitimacy and authenticity of the business. 

You can not deny the fact that online commerce space is getting competitive with every second. No business can afford to overlook minuscule elements of the e-commerce website. A minor glitch, and it won’t take much for your visitors to hop onto another e-commerce site that provides them with a better experience. 

While the tips mentioned above can surely help design and develop a website that generates a quality result, a practical choice would be to let a professional e-commerce development service provider like IT Chimes. Our design and development experts will diligently work towards creating a website design implementing contemporaries technology, ensuring better conversion rates for your investment and efforts. 

Know more about our services!


Vibhu SatpaulVibhu Satpaul is co-founder Saffron Edge. He is a Digital Marketing and technology expert with penchant for sharing technology and marketing ideas and innovation. Vibhu has successfully created various progressive systems to streamline management and marketing results for clients worldwide.

A graduate in Information Systems and Softwares from LSE (London), his style of management involves providing innovative and transparent solutions to improve efficiency and value creation.

In his free time he likes to take to the court for tennis bouts and enjoys gaming. Vibhu also likes to write about Business and Marketing solutions, and has been featured in Social Media Today. You can connect with Vibhu on: LinkedIn