There are many people who wrongly presume that a website is all about getting the design prepared, getting it hosted and registered and finally mentioning it on the visiting card. This is where the change in thought needs to come in. If you stop it does not mean that the competitors are going to stop. A website needs to developed and continually updated to keep up with the changing times, to keep the competition at bay and ultimately for its survival.

Web Development Company

What does smart website development involve?

Website development is all about the factors that increase the performance of the website to attract the maximum traffic and to convert a visitor into a buyer. If the website is old then it needs to be updated. Updating of a website is a must to make it engine friendly. A visitor would like to go through the recent changes, and retaining a fresh feel is essential to keep attracting more visitors and potential buyers. The updating helps the search engine to rank it higher in the search engine list. If the website is not unique and lost its charm, the popularity of the website can be hit adversely and this can be harmful for the business.

A smart website saves on technology and time. In today’s’ world in instant gratification, time is of immense relevance. A slight delay in downloading the website can turn off the visitor and he/she may click on another website. The latest technology advancements permit web designers to embed visuals onto the website design without adding substantial weight to it and having hardly any effect on the downloading speed. If your website does not use this technology for upgrading, the competitors will, and this could harm the business.

All feedback is important to the smooth running of a website. Feedback from the buyers and bringing small changes in the websites so that the visitor feels that his/her opinion matters a lot for the website will help attract more people. This gives a personal touch and makes him/her buy what is offered by the website.

The layout of the website should be such that the navigation is easy. The pages added or amendments brought should be accessible by the visitor with the least number of clicks. The website should be developed so that the farthest page is accessible through a minimum possible number of clicks.

Assurance: The buyer needs to be assured about the quality and worth of the product, and a good website represents a quality product. Also, buyer needs to  be assured about security measures regarding the credit card username and password to convince him/her to finally execute the “add to the cart” command.

Hence we see that website development is a scientific process that is needed not only to keep up with the expectations of the buyers but also to keep the competition at bay.


Parmod KumarParmod is a web development veteran with a vast expertise of working on industry-leading technologies like Wordpress, JQuery, Javascript, CSS, and PHP. When he’s not busy coding the next big thing, you will find him reading about the latest and greatest in the development industry.

Keeping himself abreast and staying on top of the latest development trends is what he loves the most and his astounding work is a pure testament of that.