Web application development is continuously becoming a more essential concept to modern businesses and companies. It is very rare to find a business that doesn’t have an online presence. Actually, many companies are now based online and don’t have any physical stores. Your capability to create applications quickly affects your competitive advantage. However, the truth is that many businesses can’t really afford or pay for a development team, especially the ones that are just starting out.


There are thousands of people out there who are looking to create web applications can do it in a creative and excellent manner, but simply don’t have the budget or time to this.

The issue is that the process of web application development is continuously becoming more complicated. It needs knowledge in different areas, like security, integration, UID, and different programming languages. So, how can these businesses successfully create web applications without going broke?


Always have clear specifications

Most businesses start development projects with a rough concept, instead of clear specifications. This is definitely a financial wastage, as the goal of the overall project isn’t clear. What developers are really doing is not knowing exactly what their aim and simply carrying out the project to feel that they’re moving on. You should always make sure that your specifications are as clear and detailed as possible. Your development time should be spent on building the application instead of fixing confusion on what is needed.


Produce something, quick

Every web application is built to fix an issue and what is known as the eighty/twenty regulation will be in effect. Only about twenty percent of these features will solve eighty percent of the issue. Identify and prototype them, and then begin them on actual users as quick as you possibly can. The faster you receive feedback on your twenty perfect, the faster you will understand if you have chosen the right twenty percent, and what else is needed so your application has more value. It is common in the web development world to construct everything in the perfect manner but you release the application. When users finally receive the finished application, it won’t be what they’re looking for.

So what is the solution here? Understand the requirements, and then offer it to the users.


Provide developers with the tools they require

It is a common issue: Many companies don’t provide their developers with the tools they need to save costs.


In reality, and this is something that many companies and business don’t understand, productivity lost with useless tools outweighs cost savings. This is why you will find that the best developers fully comprehend the significance of high quality tools.

The correct tools aren’t only going to reduce repetitive coding projects; they will fill the gaps in their set of skills, allowing them to do more than simply coding. It is essential that developers have access to any tools they need so they can do their job effectively. Keep in mind that customers and visitors are only going to use and create the application if it works effectively, looks great, and fulfills their needs. Developers won’t be able to do all of this if they don’t have the tools required to do so.


Look at the future

Now, it is essential to understand something important: not every tool is a wise option. The point here is not using every amazing tool on the market, but to use the ones that you need and will make your application work effectively. Believe it or not, there are actually some that can make things worse whereas others will limit you into a certain database and platform. Others will help you in learning a language that is proprietary. In short, this is going to limit any options you have for the future. Try to completely avoid these tools. Before you actually invest it them or any software, make sure you completely understand what they intend to do.


Invest in high quality templates

When you create a web application or do anything similar, one thing that you should always remember is that you always have an option. You have to do everything from the start, whether it’s choosing an already made template and redesigning it or paying for a template and then changing is. There really isn’t anything to think about. The template offered a design and a basis that is mobile ready. This is definitely something great for the process of developing applications. Instead of spending weeks creating it from nothing, you can change the template to fulfil our requirements. This is an excellent money saving concept for websites and web application development. There are currently many individuals who make a lot of money selling templates on websites such as Themeforest.



itchimesWe are Itchimes, a well-established IT firm specializing in developing web applications and mobile apps, as well as digital marketing services. We provide excellent services to increase the company's web presence and generate optimum results for brands. Our broad skill set encompasses web application development, online marketing, graphic design, and providing offshore IT staff.

At IT Chimes, we transform businesses through our innovative digital offerings. Over the years, we have built a dedicated team of professionals to ensure that each project is built with maximum efficiency with the help of strategic consulting, thorough execution, and continuous improvement.

The end result? Whether you’re looking to optimize your website with our professional SEO solutions or require help in Android app development, IT Chimes is here to elevate your business. Let IT Chimes be your trusted partner in achieving digital excellence.