Long ago, we spoke about how potentially powerful HTML5 is and can be. Our belief has been proven to be true once more. Now when we have the Mozilla Firefox smartphone, totally relying on HTML5 apps and looks very very impressive, we can feel that this is the future. Forget the days of standalone SDK and apps, all is going to be cloud based and HTML5 built, sometimes very soon.


It takes years of experience and a certain foresight which doesn’t come to all. We could predict the future because of our extensive experience in mobile app and HTML5 development. We always changed before the change came. This is why we started with building apps for Java J2ME phones and then gradually shifted to Blackberry then Windows phone then iPhone and finally to Android. As we see the future, HTML5 is going to rule the roost and we are prepared to see to the change.

HTML5 has many advantages and most of them are luring enough to opt for it. The most favourable reason is almost no download required for the user. Most of the HTML5 apps are actually shortcut for the apps which are hosted somewhere else. Although this leads to the question about their usability when a data connection is shaky or completely unavailable, but this means the apps can be updated each time and the users get all the benefits without downloading the app each single time. If you ever placed a shortcut on your Windows PC desktop while the main software residing in some folders someplace else, you got my point.

There is this fantastic advantage too, which you might have guessed by now. As we give the user a mere shortcut or a very tiny tip-of-the-iceberg app, it is very easy to develop one main app and make it available for all. All we need to do is to create a few tiny apps as interface which different mobile platform users are using.

You probably have heard of Mark Zuckerberg and the failed experiment with HTML5. But have you heard about the success stories of fashion brand Burberry, the Guardian and Financial Times, all using HTML5 apps?

We have already launched our nascent service of HTML5 app development and working on a few apps. We spoke about Firefox smartphone because that phone is completely HTML5 app dependent. We purchased our copy and you can find a great review by our tech team here.

Of course there are disadvantages of HTML5 which are factors to worry about but then looking at the positive sides it can be certainly said this thing is here to stay.


Shivam TrikaShivam Trika is a keen learner, fitness enthusiast, self-proclaimed elite gamer and prolific writer writing about the latest in social media marketing, content & inbound marketing. He is an adept marketer having comprehensive understanding of engaging readers and consumers through smart marketing materials.

Shivam has helped in building a lot of brands from the ground up and currently leads a team of talented writers who create marketable content for Social Media, Blogs, Images as well as ideate for videos for clients.

In his leisure time, Shivam likes to read and watch stuff that inspires him to write thought provoking content and ideas that resonate well with his readers and followers.