Web design is no mean job, try relating it with the case of stand-up comedians. Both web designers and stand-up comedians have a massive task at hand – to deliver work that clicks well and is appreciated by its target customers. Getting the design approved is a task in itself and engagements came only later. Websites that look good may not always be great at conversions and vice versa, which is why we need to work on web design principles that actually convert and look good as well.

Effective web design is centered on conversions, be it for filling a normal contact form, ebook download, newsletter subscription or anything else. The visual appeal and user experience of the web page must compel its visitors to engage and convert. Chances are there that you might be missing out on your business conversions on account of few ignored design elements. Read more and find out yourself.

If you are still here and reading this sentence, then that “Read more and find out yourself” call to action (CTA) worked fine, otherwise it’s also alright. Not just design, graphics or User Interface (UI), content also contributes towards assisting conversion. Let’s take a look at web design principles that must be taken care of.

Attractive design elements within a page

Dull and boring web pages won’t help with your business conversion online, let alone for the purpose of self branding or crowd engagement. Consider the case of landing pages for conversion through paid Google Adwords campaigns. Now if your web page is monotonous and isn’t able to compel your visitors to convert, then all your money through CPC is going down the drain. You may have the clicks but because of the poor design of the landing page there will be no conversions at all.

Therefore, ask you web designers to put on his/her creative hat and produce something that captivates visitors’ imagination. I’m a big fan of minimalist web design, card UI, flat design and parallax scrolling. Get creative and explore!

Get rid of unnecessary clutter

Unwanted design elements are an eyesore and considerably reduce the UI points for a given website or a web page, given that they serve no purpose at all. Contemporary web designs are about minimalism, bold fonts, natural colors and anything that enthuse a modern look or feel. Don’t expect any conversions from a cluttered website with disproportional content structure and gaudy directional flow.

Use a simple and precise content flow that provides visitor information that he/she needs without much fuss. Any design element that removes clutter should be used without any second thoughts.

CTA that compels, not annoys

This is one area where most missed conversions happen. For instance, each conversion type including asking for an ebook download, newsletter subscription or something else has its own suitable call to action. Hence, using the same old “Get in Touch” or “Click Here” or “Subscribe Now” may not always work for everybody. Hence, we should innovate and do some A/B testing before selecting a CTA and launching campaign, since the idea is to engage and compel, instead of annoying the visitor.

Meaningful content works every time

Content has the real power to actually get a simple prospective visitor into a valuable lead and possibly a future client. Your landing page must be designed with high quality content that not only compels a user to fill the form (or anything), but also instills positive thoughts about your brand in the process. Theoretically, plenty has been said and preached about good content, but for conversion the trick is to say only those things that the user wants to see. Hitting the right chord with prospective audience depends on the way you address and what you say to them. Hence, opt for targeted content creation for better client trust and superior brand awareness, which will ultimately mean more conversions.


itchimesWe are Itchimes, a well-established IT firm specializing in developing web applications and mobile apps, as well as digital marketing services. We provide excellent services to increase the company's web presence and generate optimum results for brands. Our broad skill set encompasses web application development, online marketing, graphic design, and providing offshore IT staff.

At IT Chimes, we transform businesses through our innovative digital offerings. Over the years, we have built a dedicated team of professionals to ensure that each project is built with maximum efficiency with the help of strategic consulting, thorough execution, and continuous improvement.

The end result? Whether you’re looking to optimize your website with our professional SEO solutions or require help in Android app development, IT Chimes is here to elevate your business. Let IT Chimes be your trusted partner in achieving digital excellence.