Offshore Website Development Company

Infrastructure Of the Offshore Development

Many small and medium size companies outsource works to Offshore Web Development India companies as their offshore partners provide them with the needed infrastructure both physical and good resources and the required technical know how to ensure quality and timely delivery of their project. This helps in increasing productivity and efficiency of company and keeps the client competitive both in their services and the prices they offer to their customers. Offshore web development companies should have capabilities to delivery products as per the requirement of the client.

Communication Skill

Offshore website development is the most effective when both parties involved namely the client and the service provider have a good communication level between each other. The company should be accessible to the client when required. The client should be able to explain what it requires through proper document management of the project. Companies can use various communication method such as emails, use of VOIPs, online messengers, project management tools etc as per the understanding between the client and the service provider.

Solid Technological Base

Computers are machines which can crash at any given time. The offshore web development company should have a system to recover the data and save on the business. Offshore website development is possible only if the company has a foundation of rigorous business continuity practices, disaster planning and recovery processes.

Disaster Recovery plan evolves an investments in technology that will leverage the value for the customer and ensure a seamless transition through the recovery phase. Disaster Recovery plan should have three objectives:

  • Prevents in minimizing the probability of business interruptions
  • Minimizing the impact of any business interruption and keeping a focus on the business running at the highest possible service level
  • Recovery makes sure that normal operations following after any incident that gives rise to business interruption.

IT Chimes a professional Offshore Web Development Company has been providing offshore services for web applications, website development, php technology, e-commerce, content management systems and other web solutions to clients around the globe. With more than 300 clients worldwide and 500 projects successfully delivered IT Chimes is the leader in the web industry and ensures that clients requirements are given the highest priority delivering projects with quality and on time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Offshore Website Development can offer several benefits, including:

  • Cost savings due to lower labor costs in offshore locations.
  • Access to a larger talent pool with specialized skills and experience.
  • Faster project turnaround times by utilizing teams working across different time zones.
  • Focus on core business activities while outsourcing technical aspects to experts.

Challenges of Offshore Website Development may include:

  • Communication barriers due to language differences or time zone discrepancies.
  • Cultural differences that may impact project understanding or expectations.
  • Concerns about data security and intellectual property protection.
  • Difficulty in managing and ensuring quality control over the development process remotely.

To choose the right offshore development partner, consider the following factors:

  • Experience and expertise in website development, particularly in your industry or niche.
  • Portfolio of previous projects and client testimonials.
  • Communication skills and ability to understand and meet your specific requirements.
  • Quality assurance processes and methodologies used in development.
  • Compliance with data protection regulations and security measures.

Popular countries for Offshore Website Development include India, Ukraine, Philippines, Vietnam, and Eastern European countries. These countries often have a strong pool of skilled developers and competitive pricing.

Effective communication with an offshore development team can be ensured by:

  • Establishing clear communication channels and tools (e.g., video conferencing, project management tools).
  • Setting regular meeting schedules that accommodate time zone differences.
  • Providing detailed project requirements and documentation to minimize misunderstandings.
  • Assigning a dedicated project manager or liaison to facilitate communication and address issues promptly.

 The steps typically involved in Offshore Website Development include:

  • Initial consultation and project scoping to define requirements and goals.
  • Signing a contract or agreement outlining project scope, timeline, and deliverables.
  • Design and development phases, including prototyping, coding, and testing.
  • Deployment of the website to a staging environment for client review and feedback.
  • Final testing, debugging, and launch of the website on the live server.
  • Post-launch support, maintenance, and updates as needed.

 To manage risks associated with Offshore Website Development, consider:

  • Conducting thorough due diligence when selecting an offshore development partner.
  • Clearly defining project milestones, deliverables, and timelines in the contract.
  • Implementing robust project management and communication strategies.
  • Regularly monitoring progress and conducting quality assurance checks.
  • Addressing any issues or concerns promptly to prevent delays or misunderstandings.