Why a Client Needs Proposal

Once decided, the client knows well that what he actually wants but the problem comes when it is a matter of giving the idea a written shape. Some of the clients are clear and have vivid ideas but there are some who know about their weaknesses and want to take help of the expertise of the developer. It is his professional attitude that can create him a great piece of writing to rely on, although sometimes an apparently skilled developer is not aware of the fact that what is to be put into words.  

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To resolve this, the text must be arranged in such a way that it can attract a whole clientele. For this the most beneficial is to create an attractive proposal that is well versed, sounds reasonable and is well written. A well done proposal caters the needs of the projects ranging from the simplest to the most complicated one. It helps in establishing the convenient and client friendly relation between the service providers and the client.

Like many other procedural problems, there are certain issues with the proposal writing is that it is not possible to give even the slightest detail of the web dev contract before having a clear idea of the requirements and how they can be integrated.   Web development is a comparatively new phenomenon therefore having immensely experienced and well versed clients for writing the proposals needed for Internet based projects. A proposal for creating physical structures like a bridge or for the installation has different needs.  For a company a knowledgeable consultant is an asset, as he is the right person, to think, to create and to define the essentials of the project before writing the ideal proposal.  It is through his help that the development of the process becomes easier.

Proposal Writing….. Essentials

  1. It is stated that the first impression is the last impression. Therefore, the first draft should be clearly depicting the mission and the vision. This has to describe that what is the site for and why the client has opted to create the site. It is not the entire detailed review of the site but just a glimpse of what is needed.
  2. Give a detail sketch of the company and the products intended to be launched. This part of the proposal elaborates that how much time is required to materialize the project and also that how many resources will be allocated to materialize the projects.
  3. Get public review and find out what is there to attract the people. The public opinion is essential to create a proposal. Based on this public opinion the website can be improved.

Based on The Basic Principles the proposals are split into following sections

  1.  Executive Summary is written such that it covers the summarized details of the approach containing a brief detailed version of the approaches and costs related to the development of the project.
  2. The proposal has to include the corporate details highlighting the finances related to the project finances.  
  3. The optional part of the proposal includes several qualifications about the previous clients detailing their contact information and the corresponding URLs.
  4. A well described proposal has multiple descriptions starting from the conception of the project leading to the final inception of the process. The details that need to be included in the project proposal include the details of the project assets and the methods related to delivery. The stages of the project along with the milestones in each make an integral part of the proposal. The rest of the needed details in the proposal are          
  •       Quality Supervision
  •       Proper testing
  •        Said team plus qualifications
  •        Said time fixes
  •        The Costs and Disbursement details
  •        Then the Terms and conditions
  1. Time and tide waits for none. You never know what time holds for you. The delays can be the part of the project, but the proposal writer must be aware of the reasons of possible time lapse. The proposal must have the provision if detailing how, why and when this can happen.
  2. The project has to move in an organized way, being highly systematic. Working with web demands regularity and order. The same has to be sketched out in the proposal. The entire schedule must be given.
  3.  As there are only some permanent writers, therefore the companies get the help of the part time free lancers for the task. To keep the status of the proposal, they want to mention that how would they and the public treat the proposal. Most of the clients want this to be private and copyrighted.


Proposal writing helps to give a direction to the web based project. In the world of web creations when new projects are introduced on daily basis, it is highly advisable to create a project with proposal.


Parmod KumarParmod is a web development veteran with a vast expertise of working on industry-leading technologies like Wordpress, JQuery, Javascript, CSS, and PHP. When he’s not busy coding the next big thing, you will find him reading about the latest and greatest in the development industry.

Keeping himself abreast and staying on top of the latest development trends is what he loves the most and his astounding work is a pure testament of that.