The popularity of HTML5 has boomed dramatically over the last few years, and this markup language has quickly become the staple choice among the web developer community. At present, most web portals are being designed using HTML5 and CSS3, whereas Java and Adobe Flash based websites are considered obsolete and being conveniently replaced. Still eLearning websites use Flash predominantly, and therefore are in a dire need of revival. Industry experts have opined that eLearning web portal development can utilize HTML5 with a great degree of quality and performance. Let’s see what they actually mean.

Flash vs HTML5

 flash vs HTML5

 Just a few years back, Flash websites were dubbed the future of web portal development. Flash-based websites were perceived as cutting-edge and touted big because of their use of graphics and animation. However, there drawbacks were seldom highlighted, such as high page loading time, heavy resource usage and limited significance towards Search Engine Optimization (SEO), amongst many others. Therefore, in the present fast paced environment, Flash has been left behind while HTML5 has thrived.

eLearning websites- Then and Now

The eLearning industry features among the most contributing verticals on the World Wide Web. With the growing public interest towards absorbing information and internet-based learning, an extra emphasis on eLearning content strategy is required. Flash loses ground in this regard and HTML5 emerges undisputedly triumphant. The old-fashioned eLearning web portals had Flash imbibed in their DNA, which makes no sense in the current scenario where slow loading web pages, extra plug-in requirement and limited smartphone and tablet functionality are considered a taboo!

What makes HTML5 a better alternative for eLearning web portals?

1.     Versatility

HTML5 is compatible with everything whether you use a laptop, tablet PC, or cellular devices like smartphones and tablets. It is to be noted that there is no Adobe Flash functionality on all Google Android Jelly Bean devices since last year. Therefore, a lot of eLearning solution providers are converting their Flash based programs into HTML5, in order to reach a greater number of users, which makes more sense than it did a couple of years back.

2.      Cross-browser functionality

HTML5 based websites can be accessed across all major web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 9. Thankfully, no plug-in is required to use HTML5 that makes it a top proposition for use in eLearning industry. Further, it is much easier to provide a seamless eLearning experience to non-Flash Apple’s iPad, Android and Windows tablet users.Adobe Flash on Android is history now.

3.     Optimized resource and battery usage

People who use eLearning websites are likely to spend a greater time on them than elsewhere. Therefore, Adobe Flash presents a gruesome experience especially to mobile users, since it consumes more battery and processing power. HTML5-based eLearning web portals will be more advantageous in this regard as the aforementioned issues are kind of irrelevant in its case.

4.     Conversion from Flash to HTML5 is inevitable

More and more web developers are making a transition from Flash to HTML5. It should be noted that HTML5 doesn’t support animations that were a standalone feature in Adobe Flash. However, animation and dynamic graphics can be implemented in HTML5 by using CSS3 and JavaScript. Google provides a Chrome extension, called Swiffy (in Beta) that allows conversion of Flash SWF files into HTML5. It is a great tool if one wishes to reutilize Flash based content on devices like Apple iPad and iPhone.

5.     Choose Future over Present

There is no doubt that HTML5 is new and still in its evolving phase, but suggesting that it is too early for it to replace Adobe Flash can be put to a lot of argument. Considering both Google and Apple have employed a No-Flash approach, it should be clear that using Flash on websites should be avoided and kept to a minimum. An eLearning web portal design needs HTML5 if it intends to survive in the near future.

6.     People love to read on the move, hence mobile apps!

Evidently, eLearning has expanded into the rapidly growing mobile app industry. The eLearning service providers have come to terms with the basic fact that people like to learn on the move. Therefore, interactive mobile apps are being considered the next big thing in the global eLearning industry.

eLearning web portals require more shelf than any other website and need to be designed with future in mind. At present, HTML5 seems like a much better and more viable solution for eLearning websites and web developers must choose this technology over Adobe Flash.


itchimesWe are Itchimes, a well-established IT firm specializing in developing web applications and mobile apps, as well as digital marketing services. We provide excellent services to increase the company's web presence and generate optimum results for brands. Our broad skill set encompasses web application development, online marketing, graphic design, and providing offshore IT staff.

At IT Chimes, we transform businesses through our innovative digital offerings. Over the years, we have built a dedicated team of professionals to ensure that each project is built with maximum efficiency with the help of strategic consulting, thorough execution, and continuous improvement.

The end result? Whether you’re looking to optimize your website with our professional SEO solutions or require help in Android app development, IT Chimes is here to elevate your business. Let IT Chimes be your trusted partner in achieving digital excellence.